There is one place where both equity and fixed income investors can go to ramp up their China exposure: the flourishing convertible bond market. 有一个市场股权投资者和固定收益债券投资者都可以涉足,以扩大其所持有的中国资产规模:那就是蓬勃发展的可转换债券市场。
Steven Major, global head of fixed income research at HSBC, said the bond sell-off was driven by investor fatigue, as well as burgeoning signs of inflation and higher issuance of eurozone bonds. 汇丰(HSBC)全球固定收益研究主管斯蒂文梅杰(StevenMajor)表示,此轮债券抛售的驱动因素包括投资者疲惫、初露头角的通胀迹象,以及欧元区债券发行量加大。
But fixed income trading remains challenging, driven by banks retreating from their customary role as middle men in bond and credit derivative transactions, due to tougher capital rules. 但固定收益产品的交易仍具有挑战性,其背后的原因是,随着资本金规则收紧,各银行纷纷退出其作为债券和信贷衍生品交易中介的传统角色。
If fixed income booms again and especially if Goldman emerges as the unchallenged king of bond trading it will be on the road to a great restoration. Think of it as the Yankees capturing yet another World Series. 但是,如果固定收益市场盛景再现,尤其是高盛如果能杀出重围,成为债券交易界无可匹敌的霸主,那么这将是一条引领其走向伟大复兴的道路。
China directly manipulates its currency by maintaining a fixed dollar-renminbi peg through the recycling of large sums of US dollars back into the US bond market. 通过将大量美元重新投入美国债券市场,中国维持着固定的人民币钉住美元汇率机制,从而直接操纵着人民币汇率。
By changing the fixed knife material, adding spacer, repairing the moving knife front and back angle, transforming the casting bond into double one, the effects were obvious. 通过更换定刀材质,加放垫片,动刀修复前后角,改为双铸带头等后,效果显著。
The YTM is the current market interest rates, which could differ from the fixed interest or coupon rate paid by each bond. 到期利率是市场现行的利率,与债券的票面利率可能有差距。
The US fixed income market is discounting a cut in the Fed funds to3%, so a lot of news is already reflected in bond prices. 美国固定收益市场正在对联邦基金利率削减至3%做出反应,所以许多消息早已体现在债券价格中了。
On the other hand, the bonds coupon or fixed interest rate is determined at the launch of the bond and stays fixed during the bond's lifetime. 而债券的票面利率在发行时已定下,并在有限期内通常维持不变。
These two concepts are very important for fixed income bond investors. 上述两个概念对债券投资者来说是非常重要的。
In general, the price sensitivity of a two-year fixed income bond is twice that of a one-year fixed income bond. 一般来说,两年期债券的价格变动会相等于一年期的两倍;
The Nominal rate or coupon rate is the fixed interest rate on the bond. 名义利率或票面利率为固定利率债券。
Most banks have boosted their fixed income and government bond desks at the expense of other areas, such as securitisation that have been hit in the wake of the financial crisis. 大多数银行已加强了自己的固定收益与政府债券部门,同时裁减了其它部门的规模,比如因金融危机而遭受打击的资产证券化部门。
Under this background, this article solve the problem with the financial instrument called electricity fixed payment consume bond. 反在彼背景上,本论文降出“电力长耗债券”那一金融工具来解决部门电力短费题纲。
Department of fixed income research co-directors: gao, bin and li, Yan research topics: term structure of china's bond market, liquidity of china's bond market, interest rate risk, etc. 债券研究部由中心研究员高滨和李焰担任联席主任,主要进行中国债券市场,包括利率期限结构、债券市场的流动性、利率风险等方面的研究。
Empirical Research on quote of fixed income platform and Treasury bond yield 固定收益平台报价与国债收益率曲线实证研究
This rate of return than the current fixed deposit receipts in the current biennium is much higher than all bond yields are high. 这比目前在本两年期定期存款的收益回报率是远远高于债券收益率都较高很高。
Mr Eerdmans said foreign investors could evade the tax by buying interest rate swaps or offshore global bonds instead, while foreign banks are now offering tax-free fixed income transactions linked to local bond rates. 文彼得表示,外国投资者可通过购买利率互换或离岸全球债券规避此税,而外国银行现在也正在推出与当地债券利率挂钩的免税固定收益业务。
Methods The cadaveric bone was used for a mechanical test of intertrochanteric fracture fixed with a multi-axis bond. 方法用尸骨作万向接头铆固转子间骨折标本力学测试;
Can used to construct the martingale process to valuate the fixed-income derivatives. It also helps to mark out the pricing formulas of call option in terms of zero-coupon bond and interest-rate caps. 在该测度基础上,构造鞅过程可以对一些固定收益衍生品定价,进一步给出零息债券的欧式期权、利率上限期权的定价公式。
A brief introduction of fixed income bond portfolio theory leads to the concept of duration. Bond portfolio as well as its investment strategy is constructed according to different kinds of insurance companies or different policies. 本文首先对固定收益债券的有关理论进行了一般的介绍,引出了久期的概念并对其性质进行了讨论。保险资金或保险产品的不同需要制定不同的债券配置和投资策略。
Besides original carries on the bank deposit and the purchase national debt, but should also include carries on investment in the fixed assets, the company share and the investment in bond, the financial bond investment, the long bill discount with accepts and so on. 除了原有的进行银行存款和购买国债外,还应包括进行固定资产投资、公司股票与债券投资、金融债券的投资、长期票据的贴现与承兑等。
Among them important be that it has fixed corporate bond and its relevance concept. It is very important that divides the import from corporate bond and the enterprise bond in our country. 其中重要的是界定了公司债券及其相关概念,这点很重要,因为在我国由公司债券和企业债券之分。
As a primary financial tool, convertible bond has the characteristic like common bond and American option and its risk and income are also between fixed income bond and stock. 可转换债券作为一种主要的投资和融资工具,是一种兼具固定收益债券特征和美式期权属性的金融产品,其风险性和收益性介乎于普通债券和普通股票之间。
In the free abrasive process, the abrasive is free completely, and the abrasive is fixed by bond completely in the fixed abrasive process. 在固着磨粒的加工中,磨粒是被结合剂完全束缚的。而在游离磨粒加工中,磨粒是完全自由的,处于无约束状态。
For the application part, we give the fixed rate bonds are deduced and the enterprise bond of the term structure of interest rates pricing and the error estimation method, use the SSE actual data to implement on the bond pricing. 在期限结构的定价应用部分,推导出固定利率的国债券和企业债券的利率期限结构定价及误差估计方法,并加以实证。
According to the principle of fixed income securities pricing, pricing a bond with parity is essentially determining its 'coupon rate which is also yield to maturity on issue day. 中期票据采用平价发行,按照固定收益证券的定价原理,平价发行的债券定价,实质上是票面利率的定价,即确定中期票据发行日的到期收益率。
The photobleaching of quantum dots adsorbed or fixed through covalent bond at glass slide, and exposed in air, was investigated in detail. 实验分别研究了连续激发状态下溶液中在玻片表面非特异性吸附的量子点、空气中的量子点及溶液中以共价键固定到玻片基底上的量子点的光漂白状况。
Spherical polymer brushes ( SPBs) are nanoparticles with a core-shell structure which constitute of polymer spherical core and linear polymer chains fixed on core surface by chemical bond. 球形聚合物刷是一种具有核壳结构的纳米微球,核为纳米级聚合物粒子,壳由线形聚合物链一端通过化学键固定在核的表面组成。